Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Discovering git - How to have fun with a SCM (again)

I started using git about three months ago. I just love it. I had lost touch with the joy of using a VCS from the prompt. I was getting pretty used to CVS at the time. Then I entered the dark era of Clearcase. Most features were available from Windows Explorer so I got used to that. And I continued after for about a year using SVN with Tortoise. I could have gone back to my beloved prompt but I had lost my way.

Then came Git. And a host of neat little features that made me want to switch right away.

The first thing I loved about Git : you don't have any .svn folders in your project tree. Only a single .git folder at the root. Which means that you can use any tool you want to move and rename your classes and git will figure it out somehow. With SVN you had to be more careful - it happened in two of my project when someone (once it was me) thought it was a good idea to move a folder without a tool blessed by the SVN Gods. Bad idea - since the .svn folder is also moved, SVN still believes that it is committing files to the old directory.

With Git that's a thing of the past. It's a small thing but only this made me want to switch.

Then on my first Git project we merged two completely different repositories preserving the history of all the files. Nice.

And it's very easy to get started. No need to setup a remote repository. You can have most of the power of git with a local repo. 'git init' and you're ready to start. I now use it with all my projects, not matter how small.

And from then on, Git became favorite source control.

What are you waiting for? Try it! You won't regret it!

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