Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Book Review : Peopleware

Project failure is caused by human errors. Very few projects (if any) failed because they used PHP instead of Ruby. Projects fail because people fail.

Peopleware is about these teams. Your team. Why it might be failing it's current project. And mostly what it can do to succeed.

This time I decided to resume the book using a mindmap. I really liked the experience and will definitely give it another go. It allowed me to write down ideas and reorganize them in a coherent picture of what I learned from the book. I believe it will help me remember the main ideas as well.
(Click to view larger image)

"Quality is free, but only to those who are willing to pay heavily for it."

You can find the points I found most important in the mindmap. Still, I can't keep silent on one point : quality matters. A lot. Even more than you think. A team that aims to be the best tends to be happy. The turnover rate is lower. On the other hand, asking the team to lower the quality leads to disaster - demoralization, lack of purpose...

Build a cult of quality in your team. Pay attention to details. About everything. Strive to make everything must be perfect. Doing so will push the entire team to aim higher and higher.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Personnal Goals

People usually do it for the New Year, but for me the beginning of September was time to think about what I want to accomplish for the next year.

What better way to keep the determination to accomplish my goals than to publish them online and be publicly humiliated if I don't succeed?

So here is what I want to achieve until September 1st, 2010 :
  • Write 40 blog posts. I aim for one a week but there are always vacations and weeks where I'm too busy on something else. Forty sounds like a good start for me.
  • Read a book a month
  • Code four small projects, one every three months.
After talking to my wife, she kind of forced me to get a fourth goal.
  • Lose 10 pounds.
I'm not going to elaborate on this one. Talk to my wife :)

Why did I want to set goals?

I read quite a few books and articles saying that setting goals gives you a way to focus your energy. And a colleague of mine is impressing me by his ability to focus on short term achievements to attain his long term goals. Now is the time to see if these goal-oriented fanatics are right.

Why did I chose these goals?

Blogging - I'm committed to continuing on blogging for the next year. It allows me to try some creative thinking techniques when I'm out of subjects. It also forces me to organize my ideas and learn some subjects in more depth before I blog about them.

Books - I already read about 9-10 a year but I wanted to stretch a bit and go for one per month. That should be pretty doable. Books allow me to find new interesting subjects to talk about and I was always an avid reader. The book I'm currently reading is Peopleware. As I'm reading it I'm experimenting with mindmaps. I'll publish my insights in another post.

Personal projects - pretty much every years I code bits and pieces of small applications. I lay down architectures for more ambitious projects. But (shame on me) I seldom finish a personal project. Time is lacking or more interesting things come around. Whatever the reason, the result is that nothing gets done. Well this time I want to turn things around and focus on closure - I want each project to be finished, in a repo (trying git right now... loving it so far) and tested to my satisfaction. I'm not sure if all the projects will be publicly available, but at least one is going to be.

Final Thoughts

I selected short-term goals to get in the habit meeting my commitments. Setting weekly, monthly and quarterly goals seemed like a good start. Eventually I would like to have a Big, Hairy Audacious Goal, something that will drive me for years to come.

This is only the beginning...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Essential Bookshelf : Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

Last time I explained how the Pragmatic Programmer book changed the way I thought about software. This time I'll explain how another book challenged me to look at how I learn and process information. What I learned in this book can be applied to pretty much any facet of life.

The second book I advocate a lot these days is Pragmatic Thinking and Learning - Refactor Your Wetware by Andy Hunt. Yes, the same Andy Hunt who co-wrote Pragmatic Programmer.

Here are a few subjects that were covered :
  • The Dreyfus Model - the journey from novice to expert, how people gain skill in a particular
  • How to develop your intuition and why it is important for programmers
  • Cognitive Biases and how they might affect your judgment and thoughts
  • Generational differences - how different generations view the workplace and what are their values
  • The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator - a personality test, but what mostly interested me is interactions between different personality types
  • Mind maps
  • Tips and tricks to improve your creativity
There is a lot more to the book - many of the subjects are only briefly covered but they allowed me to get acquainted with a wide range of models and techniques. It is up to you as the reader to learn a specific area of knowledge in more depth.

What did I get from the book? So far I got interested in the Meyers-Briggs personality test and in creative thinking techniques. I also added quite a few books in my TODO list from the bibliography. These days I always have a new book waiting to be read...

Pragmatic Thinking and Learning is aimed primarily to programmers and has a few analogies such as "debug your mind" and "refactor your wetware". However the principles in the book can be applied to any skills you want to learn, from blogging to cooking. I strongly recommend it to anyone who likes to use their brain from time to time. Hopefully you'll be interested.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Empower Textmate for Ruby

I've been programming a bit in in ruby from Textmate and although the editor is pretty sharp, I thought there were two missing features.
  • Start rspec tests
  • Start the debugger from Textmate (not often useful but I still do it from time to time... maybe it's my old Java mindset...)
Behold! I found two plugins filling the description! (and do more on the sides)
  • Rubyamp allows me to start the debbuger from Textmate and does a lot more.
  • The rspec bundle allows you to start rspec tests from Textmate
As a bonus I also found TmCodeBrowser which allows you to see all your classes/methods and jump to them.

Power up Textmate with plugins!

I'll try to update this page if I find other useful plugins.